It is good that you are thinking about being married at St Michael's Church. Rev'd Matt Mason and the Parish Administrator, Danielle Woollaston, will support you as you make the journey towards your wedding day. Please contact Danielle ( for more information on how to procede from here.
Here's a video about getting married in church
and a very helpful link with lots of information about being married in a Church.
Your Church Wedding | The Church of England
See below for more information about being married at St Michael's Church.
Arranging Weddings & Blessings For Guests at Weddings & Blessings
Who is able to be married at St Michael's Church
To be married in the Parish Church you have to be resident in the Parish at the time your Banns are read. From 1st October 2008 in order to marry in the parish church of a parish other than the one where you or your fiancé are living, without the need for a Special License, you or your fiancé will need to demonstrate just one of the following 'qualifying connections'.
- One of you was baptised or confirmed in the parish concerned
- One of you has at any time lived in the parish for at least 6 months
- One of you has at any time regularly attended public worship in the parish for at least 6 months
- One of your or your fiance's parents has lived in the parish for at least 6 months at any time after you were born (or, in the case of your fiance's parents, at any time after your fiance was born)
- One of you or your fiance's parents has regularly attended public worship in the parish for at least 6 months at any time after you (or your fiance) were born.
- A parent or grandparent of you or your fiance was married in the parish.
In all cases - i.e. worship, baptism, confirmation or marriage - this applies only to Church of England services.
Talk to the Parish Administrator or Vicar well in advance to discuss the options open to you.
It is a legal requirement that all couples marrying within the Church of England arrange for their Banns to be read, (except for those to be married by Common or Special Licence.) We will send you the necessary forms about 3 or 4 months before your wedding. Please return them promptly. We will inform you when they are to be read in church.
IMPORTANT – If you do not understand about the reading of Banns please ask. It causes great distress all round if at the rehearsal it is discovered that you have not had the Banns called in other parishes
The groom and best man will need to be at church at least 1/2 hour prior to the service to check all the legal paper work is in order.
Wedding Fees 2025
Legal Fees
Statutory fee for a basic Church of England Wedding service £544
Extras which a couple may choose or decline
The support of a verger* (setting up, security during & tidying up) £50
Heating if required £75
Organist £130
* items we would highly recommend
Bells £140
Per pedestal £70
Altar £70
Aisle £150
Two months before your wedding you will be sent an invoice and we will request full payment no later than 21 days before the wedding.
Once you have chosen a date please complete the booking form and return it with your £50 deposit to the Church Office, You will then be sent a confirmation that the church has been booked for your wedding.
Blessing following a civil ceremony
Occasionally, couples are already married from a civil ceremony, but want to have their marriage blessed in church and other couples want to celebrate special wedding anniversaries. We are happy to hold these services too!
Printed orders of Service
The officiating minister will meet with you prior to the wedding to discuss the service and finalise music, prayers and readings with you, this will be arranged at the Marriage Preparation day. You should choose music for the entrance of the Bride, two hymns, and music as the Bride and Groom depart from the Church, together with music whilst the registers are being signed. An organist is automatically booked for your wedding. CDs can be played for coming and out of church and for the signing of the registers.
There will be a Wedding Rehearsal and the Vicar will let you know who needs to be in attendance. The rehearsal usually takes place in the week of the Wedding and prefarably on the evening of the day before the wedding.
Many couples like to have the church bells rang as they leave the church.
Please note that although every effort will be made we cannot guarantee that the Bell Ringers will be available. The sooner this form is return to the church office the easier it is to arrange Bell Ringers and it should be returned not later than 12 week prior to your wedding.
Only the official photographer is allowed to take photographs in church during the service. Everyone is welcome to take pictures before and after the service. Recordings or video recordings are possible after discussion and with the permission of the Vicar.
You can throw as much confetti over the wedding couple as you like at the Lyche Gate entrance to the church where your wedding car will be. Please use bio-degradable confetti.
We would like to welcome you to St. Michael's and are delighted that you are coming to celebrate this special day of your friends or family member. Below are some helpful tips that will help you to enjoy your time at St. Michael's for this special occasion.
Finding us
The church is situated on the corner of Church Road and Boldmere Road and is also accessible form Chester Road.
The post code for your Sat Nav is B73 5RX
Car parking
A space will be reserved at the entrance to St Michael's for your wedding car.
Please note that there is no formal car parking provision at the. Church. It is therefore advisable for guests to arrive at the Church in plenty of time to find available parking.
St. Michaels has toilets, including a disability toilet. Please ask the verger and she will direct you to them.
We hope you enjoy this special occasion and that this information was helpful.